The pollution of the environment and the diminution of forests and natural ecosystems dates back to the beginnings of the industrial revolution, although it mainly happened during the last 40 years.
The industrial development in each country was followed by nature’s destruction to a large or small extent, depending on the type of industries, the size of the cities, the local climate, etc. Among other consequences, plant mortality, pollution of the surface and underground waters, dramatic depletion of flora and fauna species and populations were recorded in industrially developed countries of the West
(Germany, France, Great Britain), but also in countries of the former East Block.
Our country was unable to discriminate its status from this general rule. The massive and without rules development of the two biggest cities (Athens, Thessaloniki) created among others, heavy pollution problems. Athens had 1,000,000 residents until 1960 and a few factories, without having smog, with the exception of the areas Elefsina and Piraeus, where heavy industries were gathered. In a 15 years time (1975), the population of Athens was tripled
(c. 3,000,000 inhabitants), cars were multiplied and 3/4 of the industrial and economic life were gathered in Attica basin. This fact made Attica, who had one of the best climates in the world, the most polluted area of Greece.
Researches on the impact of the air pollutants from the activities mentioned to Attica’s natural ecosystems, are still at early stages. There is no permanent station for measuring air pollutants on Parnitha, which is the largest natural ecosystem of the area. An ozone measuring station was established in 1997 in the building of the Forest Service of Parnitha in Acharnes for about three months, in co-ordination with Mpenakeio Phytopathological Institute; this station measured high ozone concentrations. We hope that stations for measuring air pollution on Parnitha will soon be established.
Simultaneously, other activities, such as recreation in the National Park and natural phenomena (sometimes artificial also), like fires, are a threat for Parnitha, especially during the summer, when the number of visitors increases and high temperatures create danger of firing.
The environmental risks that Parnitha National Park faces are presented in the following webpages.